Friday 20 August 2010

Act 5 - Zen Zen Zo, 2009

Zen Zen Zo were easily my favourite of 2009. I had glimpsed them posing on the Royal Mile and they had caugt my eye even then, before I'd seen them perform to promote Zeitgeist.

They have presence, which is a difficult thing to achieve in a street full of people who want to be noticed. Jamie Kendell and Jennifer Guerts simply stare at you until you find yourself uncomfortably transfixed. An effective tactic that A Clokwork Orange adopted in 2010 although that was to convey madness. Having said that, if you check out the showreel for Zeitgeist, you may agree that the prodution is not exactly what you would call sane.

Gaze Intense

Jillian Guerts and Jamie Kendall

Then there was Mark Hill, throwing partial nudity into the mix.

Mark Hill



And then the dancing began and they were very, very good at it.

Jamie Kendall



A fantastic promo performance. And if reviews are anything to go by the full show of Zeitgeist is fantastic.


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and a great title - genius minds think alike, eh? :-)


